Welcome to the NEWSLETTER. Occasional posts will include health articles, upcoming events, important notices in the equine world, and other topics of interest. Check back now and then, or subscribe below. (FYI-This is an 'informational' blog only; therefore 'comments' are disabled. If you have a specific question or concern regarding the contents of this e-newsletter, please email them to SME at


Friday, January 17, 2014


photo by Ghost Dance Photography
Haven’t had your horse's teeth floated in the last few years? The month of February might be the ideal time to remove this item from your to-do list. During the month of February we are offering a discount of 10% on dental floating performed at the clinic of San Marcos Equine.

Equine oral health is an essential part of good horse husbandry. All horses should have an annual oral exam and typically need dental floating every two to three years, depending on the individual. Unfortunately, many owners put off dental floating until they notice a health issue with their horse. Waiting to deal with a problem is usually more costly in the long run, in addition to causing your horse unnecessary, prolonged discomfort. An annual oral examination and regular maintenance dental floating by Dr. Jensen can address problems such as sharp points (that can cause lacerations of the cheeks and tongue), molar hooks, abnormal or misaligned teeth, retained deciduous teeth, etc., all of which can be painful for your horse.

Proper dental care has its rewards. Your horse will be more comfortable, will utilize feed more efficiently, and may perform better and may even live longer. Dental floating has come a long way since the early days of veterinary medicine. With the use of sedatives and motorized modern dental equipment, the dental floating process has been shortened and become more efficient.

If you wish to take advantage of our discounted dental floating month, please contact our office to schedule your appointment at the clinic of San Marcos Equine. 805-344-2212

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So you have just completed a course of medication for your beloved steed as directed by your veterinarian and you find yourself with a small quantity of pharmaceutical drug, say trimethoprim sulfa antibiotic, that is left over. You happen to notice that on the tack shed shelf next to that container of medication is a bottle of Bute pills that expired in March of 2002!  Also on the shelf you spy a dusty, zip lock sandwich bag containing three, 20 gauge needles  and syringes you used last spring. So what do you do with this "medical waste"? Dump it in the garbage?  NO!   Flush the drugs down the toilet??  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Neither of the above are legal in the state of California.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Visit this interesting site, enter your zip code, and view equine related health outbreaks.


Biomicroscope Exam
Test Question:
What simple observation is often the very first sign that a horse's eye is experiencing the earliest, subtle stages of discomfort?
(see below for the answer!)

As many of you are aware, I have a  special  interest in equine ophthalmology,  the branch of equine medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the horse's eye. Last month I attended the  first AAEP  "Focus on Ophthalmology" meeting, held in Raleigh, N.C. This focus meeting offered two days of in-depth sessions with a hands on wet-lab to allow practitioners to broaden their range of skills in evaluating and treating the horse's eye.

This meeting was led by equine ophthalmologists Brian Gilger, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVO,  Dennis E. Brooks, DVM, Dipl. ACVO, equine practitioner Ann Dwyer, DVM and

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Follow the link for the latest information from the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture. Call our office (805.344.2212) if you have any questions, to check on your horse's vaccination records, or to make an appointment to bring them up to date with this important vaccine.